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Thursday 19 June 2014

Hitman: Absolution - PC PS3 XB360/Walkthrough

Hitman: Absolution is divided into 20 chapters, and each chapter is further divided into levels. Some chapters only have one level. A few levels are just cutscenes or conversations with little gameplay.


This is the tutorial level of the game. You'll get some help from a narriator who will give you instructions on what to do. You can follow her directions or ignore her, the choice is yours.
For the first two sections of the game you do not get a score. This allows you to experiment and make mistakes without any consequence. The scoring system starts when you reach the Mansion Ground Floor level.
Your first objective is to sneak past a guy by distracting him. Just past him you'll be asked to silently shoot another guy and hide the body. You'll then get to a tennis court. There is a guy there, but he has his back to you so you can sneak up behind him and use your garrote. Once he's dead you'll need to drag his body to a container and hide it. Don't stand at the edge of the tennis court or the guards in the garden below you may spot you.
You'll now have to reach the exit of the garden. It's a door on the far left side of the area. There are several ways you can go about reaching it:
  • You can walk in and shoot everyone you see. This is an inelegant option because the guards will call in reinforcements and you'll have to take out a large number of guards. The guards are pretty good shots and there's a good chance they will kill you before you finish all of them off.
  • You can sneak up behind individual guards, garrote them and stash their bodies. As long as other guards don't see what you are doing you won't set off an alert. If you kill a guard you don't have to worry about him patrolling or turning around and seeing you.
  • You can sneak through the garden, passing behind guards, hiding behind hedges and watching were guards walk and avoiding their patrols.


The Greenhouse starts with an outdoor area. There are two guards, but one of them will walk away. You can pick up a knife from the table, which you can use to throw at the other guard. You can also wait for him to walk up to the rail at the ledge and push him over. Or you can garrote him. Or you can wait for him to face the other way and walk past him.
Up ahead you'll find a gardener disguise. Put it on and you'll be able to pass by the guards. Other gardeners will go on alert if they see you for too long. Enter the greenhouse. Stay away from the gardeners; find a path that's away from them or use instinct to walk past them. If one of them starts to suspect you, stand so there is a post, tree, or wall between the two of you.
At the exit to the greenhouse you'll see some guards and some gardeners standing together. You can't walk past them, so find the valve along the back wall and turn it. This turns on the sprinklers and will make all of them leave. Go through the door.


This section introduces to you climbing. You'll need to climb up and walk across ledges. When you get to a window you'll need to pull the guard out. He will fall to the sea below him and that will count as hiding his body.
Move forward to the security station and you'll find a guard disguise. Put it on and start the next section.

Mansion Ground Floor

Inside the mansion your goal is to get the keycard from the head guard. He's on the ground floor and he's wearing a dark blue jacket. There are several ways to get the card, here are two:
Direct: Go up the stairs and you'll see a guy standing over the balcony. Next to him is a button. Go through the door at the top of the stairs. It leads to a giant bathroom. Hide in the hamper and wait for the guard to enter. His back will be toward you as he talks on the phone. Kill him (silently) and dump his body in the hamper. Go outside and push the button he was standing next to. Go to the corner of the room near the stairs. The head guard will walk up and push the button. Garrote him and hide his body in the same place. Use the key to go through the door.
Poison: Go to the upstairs bathroom and on the counter you'll find some sleeping pills. Grab them and go back downstairs and enter the kitchen. Wait for the guard to finish talking to the chief and walk through the kitchen to the main room (not through the door, through the doorway near the radio). On the counter is a cup of coffee. Put the pills in the coffee. The boss will eventually drink it, then go to the corner near the kitchen and fall asleep. There are usually two guards in this hallway, but they leave from time to time. If they are in the hallway, wait for them to leave. Grab the keycard from the passed out head of security and go upstairs to use the exit.

Mansion 2nd Floor

The second floor is a cut scene. It's an important cut scene, and you'll need to watch it if you want to know what's happening with the plot for the rest of the game, but there are no decisions to make.

Chinatown Square

In this level your goal is to assassinate a target. You can easily identify him because he has a special marker on the mini-map and he appears red when you look at him using instinct.
When the level starts walk through the alley and go through the ornate door. You'll see a crowded courtyard. Your target starts in a roofed area in the center of the courtyard. The evidence for this level is in the same area, on the table.
There are many ways to kill the target. Here are some of the challenge kills:
A Kiling View - If you walk around the square you'll see an alley with a security guard. Use the electrical box and the guard will stand up and walk to it. Walk past him, go upstairs and enter the office. Pick up the sniper rifle you see there, look out the window and shoot the target. You will get a bonus if you kill him and the drug dealer with the same shot.
  • Kaboom - As you walk around the square you'll see an orange car guarded by a cop. The cop will sometimes walk away, and you can take him out as he walks away from you. Next to the car are some stairs, and at the top of the stairs you'll find a remote explosive. Place the bomb near the car and wait for your target to walk to the car.
  • Man Down - Watch the King as we walks around the area. He will walk to a food vendor and eat something. When he stands next to a hole in the ground (it's a service elevator shaft), push him.

Three of the ways to kill the target involve poison. You can find the poison (fugu fish) at the sushi food vendor, which is the food vendor closest to the construction site.
  • Don't Do Drugs - In the office (the same office with the sniper rifle) you'll find a line of cocaine. Poison it. You can also poison the stash of drugs that is hidden in the at the edge of the courtyard in an area that is downstairs from the rest of the courtyard. The drugs are located among some garbage cans.
  • Hot Coffee - Poison his coffee. It is located in the same structure where you first see King.
  • Let's Do Lunch - Poison his food. He eats at the food vendor near the exit, the one that is guarded by a cop.

Terminus Hotel

There are many ways into the hotel. One way is to go to the left of the front door and go down the ladder you find on the sidewalk. This will take you to some passages beneath the hotel. There is a guard dressed in a cowboy hat patrolling here and you can take him out to get a disguise. Move forward and you'll end up in the basement. This area is off limits so you'll need to either don a disguise or avoid being seen.
Work your way over to the elevator. Stand behind it and the other guards won't see you. Push the button, then stand behind it again. Enter to reach the 7th floor.
If you walk in the front door you will see some evidence on the desk at the front desk. You can enter the rear of the hotel using the door to the right of the office. You can also use a vent in bathroom to reach back of hotel and from there down to the elevator. A disguise helps if you go to the rear of the hotel or the basement.
You can also go to the right of the building where there are two guards. Sneak past them and head down and into the basement

Upper Floor

On this floor there are many ways to reach your objective. You can, if you want, explore around and see what you can find.
One way to get through the level is to go to the bathroom which you'll find to the left of elevator. Use the vent in the bathroom to reach the janitor's closet. Here you'll find a janitor costume disguise. You don't need it, but it makes moving through restricted areas of the hotel easier. There is also a movie reel here, which you can use to distract guards later in the level.
Go to the hallway with the speakers. It is on other side of elevator. It is a restricted hallway, but with the janitor outfit you can enter without anyone noticing. Use the vent at the end of the hall to reach a room filled with shoeboxes. On the counter on the far side of the room is a keycard. Grab it. Watch out for guy on the phone. You can now walk to the stairs (cross elevator again) follow the signs) and go to the 8th floor.
Another way to the 8th floor is to enter the room with the guy playing the keyboard and go out the window. Use the fire escape to go one floor up.
Once on the 8th floor there are many ways to get to the objective. The fastest way is to get to any window that faces the interior courtyard. Climb out and use the pipes to climb to the window next to your objective. Watch out for the guard that patrols next to that window, you can get rid of him by pulling him out the window.
After you pick the lock to the door enter and use the vent on the right side. After you crawl through the vent you'll see a cut scene that ends this chapter.

Burning Hotel

This level starts with a long but pivotal scene. The guy dressed in the cowboy suit is Dexter, an arms merchant and the main bad guy of the story.
When you gain control of Agent 47, move through the burning building and climb out the window. Go across the ledge and up the fire escape. On the roof you'll have to avoid some cops. The smoke doesn't hide you, it just lowers the distance the cops can see. Be aware that they can see you even they are still obscured by smoke. Put another way, they can see further through the smoke than you can. Use instinct to see where they are and where to go.

Pigeon Coop

In the first room stay behind cover as much as possible so the helicopter doesn't start shooting at you.
The second area starts after you jump across to the other building. You will be inside, but just out the door is another cop. He will enter the building, so you can either hide and then exit when his back is turned or you can take him out. There is also a vent you can use to exit this room, it is on the far side of the building from where you entered.
Outside you have reach the door covered in Christmas lights. The helicopter will spot you if you stay out of cover for more than a few seconds. You will also have to avoid the three cops patrolling outside. If they see you and become hostile you cannot leave the area. You have to kill all three cops (but don't have to shoot down the helicopter).


This is another "stealth to the exit" level. This apartment has some civilians inside, and they will go on alert if they see you, but they seem to be pretty concerned about the cops themselves. Enter the living room and go to your right. If you go to the left you'll get to the exit sooner, but that room is filled with cops, and the only way past them is to shoot them.
If you go right you'll see an indoor farm, and these plants make good cover. Be aware that the cops can see a fair distance inside the plants, so you have to be very careful about staying away from them.
The next room has a checkpoint. There are two cops talking in the next room, and after a few seconds they walk away. Follow them to a hall.
This hallway in the final area of the level. The hall goes around a room that has been outfitted as a spa (with stars painted on the walls). On the far side of the area is another hall, and it leads to a room near where you started. There is evidence here, and you can get to it easily from this hallway.
There is a big group of cops next to the exit. To get them to leave enter the disco. There is one guy inside, but he is facing the wall. Find the tape player and turn it on. As soon as you do, leave. The cops will enter the disco, and you can get to the elevator.

Train Station

When you first start the level, instead of going of going through the door ahead of you (too many cops) go to the door to the left. Get behind the counter because a cop will enter. Attack and subdue him. Stash him in the box here and take his uniform. The next room has a bunch of cops, and you'll need to use instinct to get past them.
You don't have to take his uniform, you can also follow him to the next room and wait for the swat team to leave.
Go through the door to the train platform. Use crowds to keep yourself hidden. You can also stand where there are objects between you and the cops. Go to the far side of the platform and look at the ticket booth. To the right of the ticket booth is a ledge you can walk on. Do that and go through the window. Find the ladder and go up to the control room. There is a guy here, but he won't turn around. Flip the switch on the control panel to get the trains to stop at the station. Now exit through the door (don't go back down the ladder). Cross over to the other platform and hide in the crowd until the train comes


The courtyard is a fairly straightforward level. In the first section there are two police to avoid, but there are two hallways you can go down, so you can easily avoid both of them. In this section you'll find an altar if you explore around, it is a memorial of sorts to the women killed by the "Hawaii Killer" who you'll hear about several times during this chapter.
The next section starts when you go up the stairs. You'll come to a courtyard filled with cops. The exit to the area is on the far side. From the top of the stairs go straight ahead using the cop cars as cover. This level's evidence is on the hood of the center car. Keep going to the edge of the area, and you'll see a cop patrolling back and forth along the wall. Wait for him to walk away from you and follow him. Look to your right and you'll nee a ledge you can climb down. This will take you to the exit.

Vixen Club

Getting in: The guards and cops outside the club won't recognize you, so you can just walk right in the front door. You can then just walk into the club. There is also a vent in the basements where you start that takes you to a little area outside where a second vent will get you in behind the front desk. The bouncer and the girl at the desk will both have their backs to you. Finally, in the courtyard in front of the club you can you can climb up (look for the "girls girls girls" sign) to the window. Inside is a silenced pistol, a keycard, and this level's evidence.
Starts at the bar, then to a private dance room. Can strangle him inside the private dance room. Then to the bathroom. Then to the disco ball room, where you can drop the disco ball on him. Then back to the bar.
There are three ways to kill Dom:
  • Private dance: kill him in the private room. Hide the body, get out unseen.
  • Kill him in the bathroom. The bathroom is just off one corner of the main room, next to slot machine room. It has a lone guard standing next to a cabinet.
  • Kill him with the disco ball. You will need a keycard to get in the room with the button. There is a guard that patrols in the area. You have to push the button at just the right time, just as Dom enters the dance floor.
Of course you could also just shoot him or garrotte him anywhere in the club, but that means a shootout to exit the area.

Dressing Rooms

On the lower floor of the dressing room you'll see a pool table in the first room and a some women putting on makeup on the second room. You can get past both groups by staying behind cover and switching cover. Go up the stairs.
Upstairs is clear. Go to the office and listen to the message on the machine.

Derelict Building

The only enemies in this level is a group of cops. They don't ever move, but they are standing in front of the only exit.
One way to get past them is to go around them, then go up the broken stairs. You'll have to do some climbing to get to the second level. You'll find some TVs here, and a dead body. Throw the body down to the floor below you and the cops will come investigate. You can then go through the small room to your right and drop down into the hall near the exit.
Go up the stairs, but watch for the fat cop at the top. He will come down the stairs. Hide behind the counter, then go past him when he looks under the stairs.

Convenience Store

You'll start off on a rooftop. There are several ways to get down to the courtyard. The problem is there is only one exit, and there is a cop standing in front if it.
You have three options: you can either use instinct to walk past the cop, you can kill him, or you can dress as a convenience store employee. There is a convenience store employee on the ground floor of the building where you start. You can subdue him and take his uniform. There is a dumpster where you stash him.
The problem with dressing in the convenience store uniform is that the store is filled with employees. If you enter that way, go directly to the fire sprinkler valve and turn it. Then go to the giant exposed firework rocket and light it. This will provide cover for you to exit. It will also complete one of this chapter's challenges.

Loading Area

If you are dressed as a convenience store employee you can just walk right to the exit.
Evidence is located in the office near the exit.

Chinese New Year

In one corner stairs down. Vent leads to room with a cop. Target Bill Dole will enter. Other guy Frank Owens hangs out in walled off area with scooters and gas pump. Can sabotage gas pump. All you have to do then is wait.
Larry Clay follow him until he talks to a store clerk. He will go around to the left of a building. Go around the other side of it, to the right. Go up the stairs. He will stand next to the store clerk, jump down behind him and push him into the hole.

Victoria's Ward

In this level you'll be carrying Victoria. Just walk down the hall. When you see the elevator, duck into the curtained off rooms to your left, let the bad guys pass by, then go into the elevator.

Central Heating

You will start this level right next to a Zug TMP Submachine gun. Pick it up if you want it. There are two guys talking here. Sneak to the pillars next to them, and when they stop talking and walk away you will be able to walk to the exit.
In the next hallway you'll see another two guys. You can avoid them by going on the right side of the hall, on the other side of a barrier and some shelves. There is a ledge here that leads to a catwalk. By using this catwalk you can avoid the next two bad guys.
At the end of the next hall is a door. Go through and you'll see Wade take a shot at you. Go down the stairs. Look behind a big piece of machinery and you'll find a valve you can turn on to give yourself a small advantage ahead. When you move forward past some furnaces you'll be ambushed by Wade and his crew. You will automatically enter a point shoot. Be ready for it. Aim for their heads and take them out. If you forgot how to do a point shoot (you may not have done one since the first level of the game) aim by holding down the left trigger, mark targets with the right, and when you are ready to fire press the melee button (square on PS3, X on Xbox).

Great Balls of Fire

This level is short and very easy.
In the bar, go to the bathroom (to your right) flip the switch next to the door to start a bar brawl that acts as cover. Then climb through the vent in the corner to get to the office. Here you'll get evidence and a shotgun. Go out the door and walk to the bar.

Gun Shop

For the shooting challenge use a pistol rather than a rifle. Headshots on the small red diamond are worth 20 pts. If there's only one target up, take your time and aim for the head. If there are multiple targets you are better off shooting the body for seven points. Use a pistol. You seem to get more points with a pistol. When using instinct shot go for all headshots. Save instinct shots for when there are four or more targets.
If you don't want or can't win the shooting match, you can just take the Silverballers. Go to the corner of the shop opposite the counter and find a fuse box. Sabotage it and walk over to the counter. The guard behind the counter will go to the fuse box. Behind the counter on the shelf is a keycard. Grab that keycard and go through the door behind the counter. Go up the stairs and go to the balcony. You will see over the firing range. Jump down and move away from the firing line until you can jump down into the trench. Follow this trench to a bunker. Use the keycard to enter. Here you'll get a light machinegun and the combination to a safe. Exit the bunker and follow the trench back the way you came. Go directly under the people firing and then go to the building at the end of the firing line. On the side of the building is a window you can enter. Go through the window and open the safe. Inside is a key. Exit using the vent opposite the safe. Now go to the counter and get your guns. Exit the shop to complete the level.

Streets of Hope

In this level you have to kill three guys. There are lots of ways to do it:
Can shoot the pink car at the start of the level to kill two of the guys at once.
There is a sniper rifle in the room above doughnut shop. You can get there using the stairs at the back of the doughnut shop.
In the room above the convince store you'll find some explosives. Once you know where the targets walk you can plant it along their path.
In the car repair area there is a car press. When a target walks under it you can lower it and kill him.


The first assassination you can do in this level is an environmental kill. At the entrance you can walk to far side of courtyard. Pick up the wrench from the oil drum and use it on the wire. Then flip the electrical circuit breaker in the corner. You don't have to stick around but if you you'll see Mason get electrocuted.
You can also kill Mason by burning him. Switching out the hot sauce in the basement with lighter fluid in the room behind the kitchen. You must destroy all the other hot sauce bottles (shoot them with silenced gun) on the shelf with the hot sauce.
Climb up the ledge into barbershop. The second floor if the building is safe because no one ever goes up there.
There is one more target to kill, and that guy only ever walks between the kitchen and the grill. The best thing to do is kill him as he walks in the room behind the kitchen.
In the barbershop there is a disguise next to stairs. When you put on the disguise the game starts a timer, and after a few minutes Lenny will go into the barber chair. When you walk up to him you will end the level (if you have already killed the two other guys).
Can also drug Lenny with pills in upstairs bedroom. You must place the pills in the pizza in the kitchen. The pizza is in view of a cop so to get cop out of the room hit the electrical box in basement. He will go down to fix it and you can drug the pizza. Lenny will fall asleep in the upstairs bedroom.

he Desert

In this level you only have a few possible actions. Kill Lenny, or don't. You can also wait for him to get near the carriage and shoot the dynamite in the boxes.
If you kill him be sure to pick up his Swiss Derringer for your weapon collection.
If you leave him alive you will get the "Not Worth It" trophy/achievement. During the level complete screen you can hear Lenny try to think his way out of his situation.

Dead End

This area is the front entrance to Dexter Industries. The guards are heavily armed and will shoot on sight.
In this first area you have to disable two security stations and then reach the exit. The first security station is in the first guard house. You can go through the open window. Remember there are two guards. One always faces away from the security station, the other patrols outside and sometimes is facing the security station. Make sure he is facing away before you go through the window.
From here you can either go out the other window and go deeper into the facility, or you can exit the way you came and go to the other side of the road. There is a huge hole in the gate there, and you can enter without anyone seeing you.
If you go through the hole you will see a shed ahead of you. There is a keycard in there. The keycard opens a shed that is on the other side of the road. The easiest way to reach that shed is to go through the first guard house again. Inside the shed is a mine, an assault rifle and a guard disguise.
The evidence for this level is in the corner of the area, on the exact opposite side from the first guard shack.

Old Mill

In the first area you'll hear two guards playing video games. You can sneak past them just by going behind them.
This level's evidence on video game console they were playing. To get the guards to move, use the electrical box at the top of the stairs from where you start.
There is a first aid kit at the next set of stairs. There is a guard that patrols the stairs, so hide behind the big machine at the base of the stairs and wait for him to walk away. Before you go up the stairs, be sure to grab the keycard from the table at the base of the stairs. Go up the stairs and to the exit.


Go down the outside of the building. When you reach a window wait for a guy to come to the window, and pull him out. Enter and you'll find some mines which may come in handy later.
Move forward and you'll see a lone guard. Either kill him or sneak behind him until he turns around. You can continue on down hall hall.
Ahead is a small bridge. There are two guards there, and you can observe them if you are in a disguise by looking at the computer. Wait until both are looking away over the side of the bridge and walk past them. Use the keycard you got on the last level to open the door.
Just past the bridge there are two guys looking at a computer, evidence is on that desk.
Go past the checkpoint and down the stairs.

Factory Compound

This level starts in a mine. Move toward the exit and you'll see a guard who will walk away from you. Next to where the guard started is a sniper rifle. Exit the mine and take the stairs to the right. This is a great sniping point if you want to take out some guards. Be sure to kill the guard that walked out of the mine first. He's an easy kill because he is urinating on a tree and won't see you sneak up on him. Dump his body over the cliff.
You don't have to use the sniper rifle at all if you don't want to. There are three guards on the bridge ahead, but you can get past them by hanging off the side of the bridge and climbing across it.
Past the bridge go to the right. Next to the checkpoint is a vent. Exit and go to the right. Enter the building. Inside you'll find one guard looking at a vending machine inside. You can kill him, but there is no place inside this building to stash a body.
Just outside is a business man in suit talking on the phone. If you can take him out and dress as him you can walk in the front door of the factory. There are some guards in the area and you have to make sure they don't see you killing the business man. You can lure some of the guards into the building using the car alarm. The guard across the street spends some time in the guard shack. You can cross the street (near the gate), climb in the window and take him out. Wait for the business man to walk near the entrance of the building and take him out there.
Once disguised as the business man you can walk in the front door of the factory and to the level's exit. When the elevator comes down there is a guard inside. Wait for him to leave the elevator before you enter, if you get too close to him for too long he will become aggressive.


This level starts with a hallway. There is a guard walking away from you, and he goes into a door to the right. This area is an office, and it has glass windows. You will have to crouch to get by it undetected.
The next area is a locker room. You'll see a guy in a yellow hazmat suit. He is facing a row of lockers, and on the other side of those lockers is a hazmat suit. Put on that suit and follow the guy in the hazmat suit. He will go through a room filled with guards watching TV and into a bathroom. Subdue that guy (don't kill him, he's a civilian and you'll get a point deduction for killing him). Stash him in the hamper in this room.
Go back into the room with the guards. Disable the security (the computer on the desk) and grab the evidence from the coffee table. Go back into the bathroom and use the vent. Go to the door and exit the level.


If you had decontamination suit in the last chapter, things will be easier if you can grab a scientist disguise in this chapter. At the level start if you go down the walkway to your left the first door is a conference room with two scientists. You can subdue them and take their clothes. They are civilians so killing them will get you a score penalty.
In this level you will have to kill two targets. The first one is named Valentine and patrols the upper part of the area. At the level start if you go down the walkway (to your left) you will see a room that is a bomb testing area. There are two scientists and a guard here. You will have to eliminate the scientist who pushes the button. You can do that and stash him in the cabinet in the back of the room without the other two noticing. If you wait in this room Valentine will enter and he will eventually go into the bomb testing chamber. Push the button to seal him in and detonate the bombs.
Walk down to the lowest level. The other scientist walks a patrol here. Go to the room under stairs. There is a chair here that is hooked up to a robotic arm. Wait in this room for the target to come back. Don't worry about the scientist in this room, he spends almost all his time looking at the TVs. When the target sits in the chair, use the computer control the robot arm and kill him.
Now you'll have to leave the area. Stealth your way to the objective marker. This will extend the bridge, but before you use it look around for a red valve. This will fill the area with steam and make your escape much easier. Use the valve, then push the bridge button. The bridge takes 30 seconds to extend.
Cross the bridge and enter another research room. Here you will have to destroy the research. If you want to watch the video that gives some background about Victoria, wait for that video to finish then destroy the research.

Patriot's Hangar

There are two ways to complete this level.
The first is to grab the missing key card the guards are looking for. It is between two crates behind the RV.
You can also disguise yourself as the wrestler. The easiest way is to take out the guards one at a time, then point shoot the wrestler and his crew. Get in his costume and knock on the door.
There are a few other things to find in this area. In the corner opposite from the one you entered you'll find evidence and some C4. There is a guard standing in front of both, and he never moves. You'll have to distract him by throwing a bottle or other object.

The Arena

This level plays out completely differently depending on how you did the previous level.
If you dressed as the wrestler this level is actually pretty easy. You'll have to fight Sanchez, but the fight is really just one long quicktime event. Push the buttons that appear on the screen and you'll win.
Killing Sanchez from outside the ring is harder. If you kill him in such a way that sends the guards on alert you'll have to either hide for a long time or shoot your way out.
Here are some options:
You can go to catwalk and release lights on to Sanchez. This will also kill other wrestler and put the guards on alert.
In one of the rooms off the area is a room for the guards. Here you'll find a sniper rifle. Another of the rooms has a perfect vantage point to snipe Sanchez. You don't really need the sniper rifle, you can can use the assault rifle. Either way the guards will go on alert.
The easy way is to walk in, go near the exit, toss in some C4 (found on the previous level), walk to the exit and blow up the entire ring. Expect to get a negative score for that because it often kills many civilians. The good part is that you can exit before the guards go on alert.
his chapter has three levels that all have the same premise: avoid or kill the guards, kill the targets and get to the end of the level. While most chapters strongly discourage direct combat, shooting your way through at least part of these levels is a real option.


In the first part of this level you'll have to climb though a burning building. When you reach a room you'll be able to change clothes.
As soon as you can, leave the burning room and go down the hallway. Stay low. You'll be able to see enemies in the parking area below you. Three of them will come up the stairs at the far end of the hall. Go to where the hall turns and jump into the refrigerator there. Wait for the two guards and the nun to walk by. As soon as the nun passes, climb out garrote her and stash her body in the refrigerator. Don't worry about the other two guards, they tend not to leave the burning room.
Now go down the hall and down the stairs. The bad guys should be talking, and you should be able to sneak around the bottom hallway, all the way to just below the burning room. Now comes the hard part. You'll have to take out a guard that has his back to you, then sneak over to the mini-golf area. There are plenty of guards here too, so be careful. Ofter this is where the level descends into a shootout. It's perfectly ok to shoot your way out. But you can sneak to the exit and garrote the other nun on your way. Another option is to go to the parking lot behind the bus and grab the C4, and toss it at the nun using the mini-map to guess where she is.


This is the second area of the motel. It's smaller and easier to get through.
You'll start inside the Tiki Lounge. Sneak behind the counter and to a window on the other side of the building. From there you can sneak to near the exit. The exit is in full view of the enemy, so you'll want to use a distraction. C4 from the previous level does a great job of moving the enemy to the other side of the area.
If you start shooting your way out, the best thing to do is to kill an enemy, and then hide and wait for them to spread out again.
The evidence is in the center of the parking lot, on some cases. If you don't shoot your way out you may want to skip picking it up.


The third and final area is a cornfield. The corn is your friend here, you'll be able to move around the area inside the cornfields and if you can't hide a body you can just leave it in the corn and it usually won't be found.
Louisa Cain is in the shed first shed, and can be taken out there. Remember that if you are disguised as a guard she won't recognize you. The guards outside can't see into the shed. There is a box where you can hide her body inside the shed.
Just outside this shed is a mulcher. The mulcher can take as many bodies as you can put in there, just activate it between bodies.
There is a scarecrow in this area, and you can disguise yourself as the scarecrow, which is a lot of fun.
The exit is a command post, go there and pick up the phone to end the level.


As soon as the mission starts guy with a sweatervest. Follow him upstairs. He will enter library. Do not enter until guard leaves. Still one guard inside. Subdue sweater vest. Stash in closet. Downstairs, security room has evidence on desk. Keycard in room behind security room, on desk. Go to the balcony entrance to the courtroom (on second floor). Go to computer to turn off TV. Go back downstairs, judge will call a recess. Go through the left side of the courtroom, using instinct if you have to in order to avoid the glare of the docent on the right side of the room. Enter the door to the left of the judge's chair. Walk past the docent with her back to you into the judge's office. Take him out and put on his robes. Walk into the courtroom, go to the judge's chair, pass sentence on the defendant. Go through the door with the keycard and exit.

Holding Cells

This is a pretty straightforward level. If you are disguised you can just walk through holding hell hallway to the last room. There is a locked door here. This room also has the evidence, which is on a desk.
The only obstacle in this level is picking the lock without being seen. Although there are three guards, there is only one who is looking at the door (the one with the hat). He always looks at you, so you can't sneak up behind him. Point shooting him and the other guard is the easiest way to get past this level.


This level is divided into two parts. In the first you'll have to get past a group of guards beating an inmate, then get to a button that opens the door to the second part of the area.
The safe next to the button contains an STG 58 rifle.
Shooting your way through this level is a viable option. There are few guards and you can kill them all before they call for backup.
The evidence for this level is in the first cell past of the second area.
Move forward and you'll see some guards staging a fight between prisoners. You can sneak past them by climbing the ladder and using the catwalks above them, or you can shoot your way through.

County Jail

At the start of this level you can easily get out of the handcuffs. Go to the fire alarm, set it off and sit back down. Kill the guards when he looks at the fire alarm. Dump him in the box just outside the room.
Go through the hall and in the next room you'll see a guard talking on the phone. There is an extension cord here you can use to replace your garrote wire. Kill him or sneak past him. In this room is a vent you can use to get to the front of the jail. There is one guard in the room where you come out of the vent, but he spends a lot of time looking at the wall.
From this room there are two door. One leads behind the front counter, where you can grab your Silverballers. Most of the time both guards there are looking away. From there walk directly to the exit.


As soon as you gain control go to the right of the building entrance. From there you can go down the stairs and go to the right of the truck. Go the brick wall and climb up. This will take you to a raised area. There is one guard here, but he is easy to take out. Go down the stairs and you'll see two guards between you and the street. They never move, so you'll have to throw a bottle or something to distract them. The one facing you will leave, so garrote the other one before his buddy gets back. Change into the guard's uniform. Throw another bottle to distract the same guard again and walk across the street.
You'll see a big group of guars to your right. They are all looking at the burning truck, but you'll have to use instinct to avoid being spotted by the guys on the other side of the street.


This level is filled with heavily armed enemies and lots of smoke. With a combination of basic stealth and instinct to see where you're going you should be ok. The key to this level is to keep moving, the less time you spend getting through the area the less likely you are to be spotted.

Hope Fair

You are given two objectives at the start of this level: escape and find Skurky. Finding Skurky actually happens early on when you hear that he's at a church. All you really have to do is escape.
When you start this level you'll see one enemy walk away from you. Follow him and when he stops garrote him. He will have lead you to a stash of weapons: a sniper rifle, mines, and C4. If you want to snipe some of the bad guys, place some mines on the hallway you used to enter this room. Bad guys will enter and this is a good way to make sure they don't sneak up on you.
You'll then have to make your way through the street fair. There area is crawling with enemies so you should either use instinct or start shooting. If you can get halfway through, you can throw a block of C4 near at the other side of the fair and the enemy should mostly head over there.

When you enter the church you will have to do a point shoot as soon as you regain control of 47.

Tailor Shop

In the tailor shop go to the basement to unlock four new outfits, including the chicken suit. Evidence on the desk in the basement.

Blackwater Park

You can walk in the front door of the building. Do it because you'll want to at least scout out the lobby. Your goal is to enter the elevator here, but before you do that you must disable the retinal scanner in room behind lobby.
If you go outside and around the building you'll see two other ways in. One way is the guard shack at the garage entrance. The evidence is in the guard shack. The other is a door to the left of the driveway. It is guarded by two guards.
Your best bet for this level is to grab a disguise of some sort. A maintenance worker or guard will work. Sneak or silently shoot your way through one of the side entrances. Once at the lobby use instinct to walk past the guards and, go to the room with the mail boxes (just off the lobby, opposite side from the elevators). Wait for the bellman to enter. Take him out and disguise your self as him. Once disguised you can disable the scanner and use the elevator.

The Penthouse

The Penthouse is a classic assassination level. The Penthouse is huge and there are plenty of ways to take out the target. Lydia walks a patrol, but finding her can be difficult because she often stops and spends time in different rooms. She starts in the hallway to your left as you exit the elevator. She then walks through the whale room into the room with the fireplace. She crosses the whale room again, where you can hit her with the harpoon. She then goes to the safe room. You can follow her into the safe room.
The Penthouse has two floors, but you can usually see parts of the lower floor from the upper floor. The Penthouse is also separated into two sections that requires key card if you want to stay on the lower floor, or a single guarded hallway on the upper floor.
Among the more interesting rooms, on the second floor you'll find a weapons room. It is filled with lasers that you can see with Instinct. An alarm will go off if you cross a laser. Inside you'll find all sorts of weapons: a Warhammer, battleaxe, katana, tomahawk, morning star, and poison.
On the lower floor is a museum room. There is a whale skeleton on ceiling, and on the second floor is a switch that drops it. There is also a harpoon in the center of the room that can be used to kill the target.
The safe room door is a wall, but you can find it easily if you look for the on your mini-map marker.

Although you could just find her and shoot her, there are many interesting ways to take out the target:
  • Savage Sushi - use the poison in the weapons room (the one with the lasers) to poison her.
  • Straight to the Heart - in the museum room, the room with the whale bones hanging from the ceiling, there is a harpoon in the center of the room. Stand there and wait for Layla to walk in front of it. Shoot her as she passes by.
  • Bones - There are some whale bones hanging from the ceiling in one of the rooms. On both sides of the room are second floor walkways. Here you'll find levers, one on each side. Pulling one of the levers will drop the bones. Wait until she is underneath and drop them.
  • Fired Up - unknown
  • Mockingbird - On the second floor is a door with a dartboard. It is Lenny's room and guards never go in there. To get there from the elevator exit, go up the stairs to your right, at the top take a right and go down the hall. Room is to your left, guarded. If you can get to Leon's room (the really messy bedroom) you'll find a sniper rifle. Layla will use the rooftop nearby and you can snipe her from the bedroom window. If you shoot her when she is near the edge of the building she will fall and the body will be hidden.
  • Skin Trade - Follow Lydia as she walks around. She will walk into the safe room. Follow her inside. She will attempt to to seduce Agent 47. This starts a cut scene and from there you will be able to complete the mission.

Cemetery Entrance

In this section you'll start off with a sniper rifle. You'll be in an elevated position and ahead of you is a whole cemetery full of guards. If you start shooting at random the guards will go on alert. The key is to select your targets carefully. To start, only shoot targets that will fall into pits when hit. You can see these pits, and for the pits outside your view the game has placed signs to let you know there are pits.
You have limited ammo, so focus to taking out the out the guys in the back. You should also thin out the guys close to you. When you are ready to move go down the stairs, cross the building and go out the window. Sneak around to the right and all the way to the back. From there you can easily get to the exit if you have sniped the guards at the back.
If possible try to save three rounds for your sniper rifle. They will come in hand later.

Burnwood Family Tomb

You have all sorts of options here, so you can stealth, stealth kill, or just start shooting. The target you have to kill is sometimes out in the open and sometimes walks alone through areas.
Know there is a mulcher in this area. If you need a place to stash bodies it works out great because it never runs out of room. If you want to shoot it out, you'll get extra points for cleaning up the mess.

The Crematorium

In this area you'll see a hill ahead of you. Halfway up this hill is a wall. On top of the wall are three enemies called the Praetorians. The are Travis' personal bodyguard. Their sight distance is longer than normal and they spot you faster than normal. If alerted, they can shoot from one end of the area to the other. These guys are hard to fight in a pitched battle so killing them with tact in a must.
This area is filled with laser tripwires. Use instinct to see them. If you have no instinct you can still see them, but they are very hard to spot. Each tripwire is hooked up to an explosive device. You can use the tripwires to your advantage. They restrict the movement of the Praetorians so they'll have to go around rather than through the lasers. You can shoot the tripwires when the Praetorians are near, but the bombs have a very small blast area and the Praetorians don't really get close enough to the bombs to make that tactic effective.
There are several ways to take them out. The sniper rifle will kill each with one headshot. They tend to stay on the move, and when they do stop they don't stop for long. Watch them carefully and note where they stop. Wait for them to complete a patrol cycle, they will return and you can take your shot.
C4 is a great way to kill them. When you throw it they run over to investigate. When you are down to just one Praetorian you can pretty easily garrote him.
To enter the church you have to use the explosive just outside the door. When you enter you'll have to do one last point shoot.
Congratulations on beating Hitman Absolution. You can now replay any level you like. You can achieve any challenges you missed. You can also play on harder difficulties. Finally you can try out Contracts Mode and take on player created levels.

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